Friday, December 31, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 365 : Au Revoir 2010 and Thanks for all the Llamas

Actually there were no llamas but why spoil a good headline? There could have been llamas by the truckload but there may not have been so let's leave a little twisted mystery for the year....

I am typing this at my Mum & Dad's, only an hour before I leave for the airport and a flight home to Sydney, where two hours after we land, my friends will start arriving for our small NYE party. It's also the second anniversary for my gorgeous guy and I, and we shall celebrate with 15 friends on the balcony of my apartment, with the fireworks exploding over the city in the distance.....

Its been a good year with lots of celebrate. The best thing of all is that I am with my beautiful man and 2011 is shaping up as another lovely year with him, and frankly that's all that matters...

Happy New Year everyone!

FOOTNOTE:  The party went wonderfully well. Not so me, who was suffering from a head cold that went from bad to worse on the smooth flight home, but after a frantic dash to the supermarket straight from the airport with Fahmi who picked us up, and a less than graceful staggering into the complex dragging suitcases, carry on luggage and bags and bags full of groceries, and a desperately rushed hour to get it all ready between 6 pm and 7 pm), everyone arrived, the food was heated up (pastizzis and sausages) without incident, and everyone drank lots of margueritas, wine and beer, marveled at the fireworks (turns out the new balcony provides a better view than the old one!) and kicked back and laughed and joked their way into the New Year, sparklers and party poppers used to bring in 2011. A great night!!


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