Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 2 - Happy Anniversary First Date

Happy Anniversary my darling man!

Tonight is the second anniversary of the first actual date my beautiful partner and I went on way back in 2009 after a whirlwind get together on New Year's Eve. We had talked on occasions before, even having an uonofficial first date of sorts back in October 2008, but this was the first time we had gone to a restaurant, sat across from each other, and talked and talked and talked. The date simply confirmed what we already knew - that this date was the start of something long term and wonderful between us - and so every year, we go to the restaurant, order at least one of the meals we had that night, and stare dreamily into each other's eyes. Yes the restaurant can be noisy, and we ended up being sat next to a loud older English gay boy and his date, and just over from two very high pitched gay friends, but none of that really mattered to us. It was a magical, romantic night, and the perfect way to celebrate our ongoing and deepening love for each other.

...and on the way home, we saw the Christmas decoration we most look forward to seeing each year. It's located on George Street, Erskineville, and we didn't get to see it before Christmas because they were quite late putting it up this year but it finally made it up, and looked as fabulous as ever. A beautiful end to a gorgeous night.


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