Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 4 - Bags Full of Vitamins

Another delightful brunch on the balcony, and yet more vitamins as my gorgeous guy and I attempted to get over the head colds and chest infections bedevilling us. So along with the toast, honey and peanut butter, we had echinacea, zinc tablets and vitamin C tablets, inspiring the rather odd, but endearing toast face (above).

That night, at my gorgeous guy, we ate some Indian food leftovers (from the picnic a few days previously) and used a bag that we have decided will become a symbol of our commitment to being sustainable and as green as we cna possibly manage this year. The aim is for the bag to be used over and over and on December 31 this year, it will be photographed and farewelled in whatever state it ends up in.


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