Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 6 - My Body is Determined to Act Old

Oh my lord!

Here I am, endeavouring, with the exception of the last two weeks when festive food and lack of exercise ruled supreme, to eat well and exercise regularly, and in the space of 1 1/2 weeks I get a head cold, need to have $2000 worth of work done on my teeth, and today, throw the middle part of my back out! I am not one of those 40 something people who complains about getting older, or who fears getting older because my love of life larger than life optimism simply doesn't allow it, but right now, I am feeling really old, and wondering why my body, lovingly treated while others drink and smoke to excess and eat hot chips like there is no tomorrow, walk, and run on with impunity, their bodies seemingly unaffected.

All I can say is thank goodness for Aspro Clear and Voltarin for making today reasonably bearable, and helping me to pretend that my body is behaving like a well looked after body should....

Let's not try to think about what's really going on, shall we...

On a fun note, we celebrated the final day of Christmas - Christmas for all the Coptic & Orthodox Christians out there - with lamb skewers, rice & veges, and the funky wine glasses I got to mark the 1st anniversary of our unofficial first date on October 3, 2009....


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