Friday, January 07, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 7 - Off to Temple!

It's no secret that I love IKEA so when my gorgeous guy said he needed to pick up an entertainment unit, fit for his new TV, I happily agreed to tag along to help purchase it, with the idea that I'd pick up a dining table to go along with the free chairs that he & I found discarded in the garage of the complex (a common occurrence when people are moving).

All unpacked and waiting my back being in good shape so we can put the table together

Unfortunately my back had gone out but it felt better this morning and I felt confident I could cope with getting all the various packages from the self serve aisles at the end and loading them in the car. Alas, my boundless confidence proved unfounded, and I winced every time I even sat down and got up in the various show rooms, and the final straw was when I insisted on helping load a box, while my guy said not to, and my back went out anew, causing so much pain on the way home I was crying at times.

So my poor tired guy was left to drag all the boxes up three floors to his apartment by himself, while I sat helplessly on the couch. I know I hadn't maliciously plotted to throw my back out to escape hauling boxes, and he was so sweet and caring doing everything for me so I could rest my back but I felt so helpless and pathetic, and frankly, even more unhappy with my body that I did yesterday. At least, we had a lovely night, with yummy pizza from Crust (olive & fetta squares - delish!) and then three Christmas shows we missed prior to Christmas - Catherine Tate's Christmas Show, A Very Specky Christmas 2010, and the Dr Who Christmas Special..... oh and GREAT painkillers.... don't forget them!


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