Friday, January 21, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 20 (Thursday 20 January) - Weird ZZZs Mr Sandman....WTF?

I had the oddest dream tonight.

I was helping people with some weird project - my brain has helpfully forgotten the details which rather undercuts this fascinating blog entry....well it's supposed to be fascinating! - and then the people I was helping said they'd drive me home. But the drive home on the bus - my company runs a bus service between our campus and the City so getting driven home on a bus isn't that weird - actually ran through my home town of Alstonville but not exactly as it lies. In addition, the people who were driving me home on the bus had to stop into their home to deal with a domestic crisis, which has never happened to me on my bus trips home from work. To be honest, it would a lot of fun if it did, especially if the driver's family was involved in soap operatic mechanations.

All this to say, and let's face the recounting of someone else's dream is never intriguing for anyone bar the dreamer themeselves, that tonight was yet another night of badly interrupted sleep, as my back kept giving me much grief and spasmed each time I moved. This meant, obviously exhaustion, but also some very weird, creative dreams, which if I could just capture them properly in writing would no doubt make kick-ass movies.

No, seriously, you would need much popcorn and soft drink for these thrillers!


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