Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 18 - Owie!

How to understate pain using one simple cutesie child-like word for the expression of pain!

I woke up this morning at 1 a.m., after feeling my lower back twinge yesterday while leaning to get something from a printer (possibly in a non-OH & S complaint manner but I will neither confirm nor deny that) - seemingly with no ill-effect as I felt fine during the day at work - in screaming agony. In deference to my neighbours, I screamed on the inside, but so bad were the spasms that I am not ashamed to admit I cried like a baby as the pain washed over me in waves. It took about 10 minutes, movingly in snail-like increments, to reach the pain killers next to my bed, take them (even easing myself up a little from my stomach, on which I sleep, was pure agony), and eventually when they had softened the pain somewhat, to get some sleep. Alas, I kept getting woken by short, sharp, paralysing spasms of pain, which turned the simple act of going to the toilet into a major logistical exercise worthy of a landing in enemy occupied territory during war!

I ended up only getting four hours, which coupled with lots of Panadeine Forte, made the start to the day and indeed much of it) very floaty and odd, but I had to go to work as Tuesdays are my busiest day and my boss needs a major report produced for the management team in our division, which is then sent up to the business gods on the executive level. Yes talk about my Protestant work ethic! Martin Luther would be proud...or possibly suggest I go see a doctor, a physio and then lie down!

Thankfully - every time I use that phrase I wonder who it is I am thanking exactly: I think Grover from Sesame Street would be fine right? - my back, with the help of Aspro Clear, has been reasonably benign today. The real test will be tonight when I lie down to sleep....

Naturally the pain killers will be strapped to my wrist for easy access this time!


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