Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 12 - Rewrite the Resume

Big meeting with my career coach tonight to rewrite my resume. May not seem like a big deal, but it is the culmination of all the work I have been doing with her, and hopefully a concrete step towards a writing career which I want more than anything at the moment. It went very well, and Jane was, as usual, amazing. I have one more session and then shall start doing courses etc at Sydney Writing Centre, uni etc s I can really make my new career fly!

I raced to Wynyard station at 6.40 - well as much as someone prone to excessive sweating with the most minimal levels of heat in play, can do in Summer - and got to the cinema in time to meet my guy, his sister & her boyfriend, pick some lollies, eat my sushi in the cinema (that my gorgeous guy had thoughtfully purchased ahead of time for me) and settle in for the King's Speech, a movie I have been wanting to see for some time and which didn't disappoint. (Review is in my other blog.)

Since I was off work the next day to get my mouth ripped to shreds - OK a tad over dramatic but dental work is rarely delightful so happy little words aren't usually linked to it - we didn't have to rush home at 9pm, like we would on a normal school night, so we stopped off for a drink or two of wine at the Arthouse Hotel, which is, the insanely loud music aside, a great bar, and the perfect post-movie finishing point.


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