Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 13 : Three Hours, Two Amalgams and One Ex-Wisdom Tooth

What a fun day!

Yes I had the day off from work but that was not because I had a day of wanton self-indulgence planned, a bacchanalia of sins and sensuous pleasures lined up to tempt even the most virtuous of beings. No, I had the day off so I could three hours in a dentist getting two leaking amalgams fixed - with a fabulous tough new porcelain called E-Max which is sculpted and cooked in a furnace at the dentist surgery; alas with no sexy glazes added which is a pity because who wouldn't want a funky coloured tooth to brighten up all those white molars right? - and a wisdom tooth removed, which turned out to be a relative non-event, over and done with in five minutes...

My dentist gets the tooth ready for the furnace. It starts off purple and ends up white and VERY strong.

The waiting area for the dentist. So chic. I am paying for this so good thing I like the decor!

My tooth. My terribly blurry tooth as my iPhone camera can't cope too well with close up shots.

Thanks to the chipmunk-cheek inducing effects of local anaesthetic (yes American English spell checker, anaesthetic does have two 'e's in it thank you!!) , I felt not a thing, and at the time of writing continue to feel blissfully unaware of any discomfort or weird feelings in my mouth. Apparently to stop any bleeding from the removed wisdom tooth, they shoved a great big piece of gauze in my mouth. Good thing they told me as I had no idea it was even there, which is good because it means they used real anaesthetic (OK spell checker this is getting old - trust me, there are two 'e's!), and not a placebo. Of course numbness is not forever - diamonds are though but not recommended during dental procedures - so I have Nurofen Zavance and Panadeine at the ready, just in case my mouth decides it experienced a little bit of trauma today.

Which it did. I will try however to relax, enjoy the smoothies my endlessly supportive guy is making me, and sleep lying on the left side of my head ( I am a stomach sleeper which is great except when you have major dental work done - thankfully this time all on the one side), and use my recuperation day tomorrow to chill and recover...


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