Monday, January 10, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 10 - Humidity Thou Art a Bi-Artch of the Highest Order

First day back at work after the Christmas break, which in itself is an event to be marked by lament and the wearing of sack cloth and ashes (not business attire true but I could blame it on wacky holiday wear and see how far that takes me), to find that my building, alone of the 6 in the company I work for's complex is without light and air conditioning. Hardly the end of the world but when you're none too thrilled to be here, it's not exactly a warm and happy flower filled omen....well it is warm but it ain't good warm.

Thankfully after many phone calls, the air con roared back to life at 10 a.m. and I have my inbox under control so thus far the first day back hasn't been too feral....

Perhaps I shouldn't jinx myself...

But I should eat Thai! And drink wine and so I did, with my guy and his sister and her boyfriend at Thai Face in Crows Nest. The food was spicy, inventive and delicious and a definite cut above the many generic bland Thai places out there. Thankfully the breeze was blowing and we were by the windown on very comforable wicker chairs so the night was a relaxed, chill and talk lots affair.....


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