Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 11 - Flooded

Poor Queensland.

The rain just keeps tumbling down, with no respite whatsoever, and now Brisbane, a City I studied in (my alma mater is Griffith University, Nathan), and in which I have many close friends, is being threatened by the same floods that have devastated the rest of Queensland. My beautiful guy and I spent last night watching the coverage on ABC News 24 (what a great station!), only stopping when the coverage began repeating itself somewhat. It was extremely hard to watch the coverage when you realise how many lives are being affected, and now sadly, lost. The extent of the disaster beggars the imagination, and eventually we had to switch off the TV and watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on GO!

Thankfully my friends are OK for now - Jason's company closed down and ordered all staff home; his home is safe and shoudl remain that way. Kerry is off work too (as are many Brisbanites as they rush to save their homes) and doing precuationary moving of her possessions to higher ground just be to be safe. Here's hoping it isn't as bad as they fear it will be.


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