Saturday, January 08, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 8 - I Am Beginning to Fear January

Why would you fear a month when all is new and exciting, with a brand new batch of 365 days, all glistening and new, stretching off into the hopeful, glittering, beckoning horizon?

It's not the month itself that's the problem. Like everyone, I insanely think that the ticking of one day into another at an arbitrary point in a man made time line will possibly change my life as I know it in thrilling and unexpected ways; no, the problem lies with the fact that each January, my body, pushed by an extrovert meets Protestant work ethic/suck the marrow from life dynamic, collapses into an exhausted emotional/physical/mental heap, and while so enfeebled, manages to contract a head cold/sore throat/throw my back out. It has happened year after year for as long as I can remember, and while I tended to dismiss it as just one of those weird things, I don't think I can be that glib any longer. Clearly, in the pursuit of a full and well rounded life, I am trying to do too much, and never actually switch off properly.

That's not to say I can't relax. I love reading, chillaxing wuith my boyfriend, sitting back over long lunches or dinners with friends etc, but I seem unable to truly switch off unless I am actually alone, which as an extrovert almost never happens. So my goal for this year, is to try and switch off completely and absolutely when I am with friends or my guy, and give my body enough decent time to actually recover from the battering I put it through, and save myself the Agony of January.

Then I won't have to miss out on seeing The King's Speech (last night with friends; as it was we had a lovely night watching The Catherine Tate Christmas Show, A Very Specky Xmas 2010 and Dr Who Christmas Special : A Christmas Special and eating yummy Crust pizza) or Sydney Festival's First Night (tonight in the City with friends which I have to miss because my back has gone out again....


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