Monday, January 17, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 17 - Kookaburra Doesn't Sit in the Thai Takeaway

He may sit in the old gum tree, the queerest bird there ever was, but this Kookaburra at least didn't want to entertain the idea of eating Pad Thai Chicken.

He landed briefly on our balcony, let loose with the distinctive Kookaburra bird song - it was phenomenal seeing the bird, and hearing his or her song so close up - and then looked at us as if expecting some of the food that my gorgeous guy and I, and my housemate and his boyfriend were enjoying for dinner, during what turned into a very chilled, rambling 1/2 hour of eating, wine drinking and chatting on the balcony.

But when my housemate's boyfriend threw some chicken towards him, which went sailing up and over him, landing on what my housemate's boyfriend thought was grass below (in fact the neighbour's enormously large balcony, much to the boyfriend's embarrassment), he gave it up one look, decided he or she wasn't interested, and flew off to the next balcony, which is where the photo was snapped.


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