Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 19 - V is for Vabulous!

V is one of those TV shows that I watched and enjoyed but it never really became must see TV since it moved at a sluggish pace, kept the revelations to the sort of minimum that made LOST look it was an over talkative leaker of facts, didn't have huge amounts of tension. But in season 2, they have amped up the action, the revelations of who the V are and why they're here, and the camp over the top violence and action so sorely needed. I do wish it had more of revamped Battlestar Galactica about it since a darkly sinister secretive alien race trying to take over Earth while smiling and appearing benign is rich with dramatic possibilities, but this new season is a big improvement over the turgid nature of the first and I will take what I can get with the ever diminishing numbers of sci fi shows on free to air in Australia at the moment.

So why am I rabbiting on about a TV show on this blog and not my pop culture one? Primarily because at the end of it, my house mate said he couldn't wait to download the rest of the episodes so he could race ahead through the season, and while I normally like watching episodes ahead of their Australian release, and without ads, it occurred to me that one thing I have lost is the delight of sitting down week by week and watching a show unfold in the time frame intended by their creators. Ripping ahead is fun, but I miss the communal sense of waiting for the next episode to arrive and everyone making the time to view it together.

So I suggested we quarantine V from the downloads and keep it as our household Must See TV show. That lasted about 1/2 hour after I'd gone to bed when my housemate, with no control over his instant gratification impulses, found episodes 2 & 3 of this season (we'd watched the first episode that night) and watched them in their entirety. So much for the communal gathering thing!


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