Saturday, July 18, 2009

Project 289 - Day 123 : Yum Cha Cha Cha : Dumplings with Ellen & Tracy

By some bizarre happenstance - OK not so bizarre really but I love using that word and all it implies - I ended up eating lots of Yum Cha this weekend and today was the first serving...

..... with my wonderful friends, Ellen & Tracy, and my beautiful guy at The Marigold on George Street... we ate truckloads of dumplings, sticky rice, mango pancakes and fried rice noodles, all the time catching up on 8 months worth of news.... yes it had been that long! How did I remember that since I can barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday (well, most days anyway)?

Well every time I see Ellen I give her my old "Empire" magazines and I had 8 months worth to hand over this time! Oops! It kind of shamed us into catching up more regularly and so the next catch up is a mere 3 months away!

It should make for a lighter bag for Ellen next time!


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