Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Project 289 - Day 120 : In Bed All Day with Ellen, Whoopi and Barbara...

No I haven't turned straight! Although what gay man worth his Dolce and Gabbana wouldn't want to spend quality time with the delightful Ellen DeGeneres, Whoopis Goldberg or Barbara Walters?

Yes I became a slave to day time TV although I didn't watch those execrable infomercial shows in during the morning which frankly are like watching one very badly produced commercial, and feature products I have no desire to buy at all....

The usual culprits featured today - stiff sore back (stiffer than yesterday alas), Zoltaren, Deep Heat, lots of bed rest, heat packs and my back exercises..... I think I am beginning to reach the point where work is looking mighty attractive....I must be sick!!!


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