Sunday, July 12, 2009

Project 289 - Day 117 : Tragedy! When You Around and Your Greek Pants Fall Down, Its a Tragedy.....

Today I saw "Phedre" at the Dendy Opera Quays, which is a play written by a Frenchman in 1677 full of ancient Greeks infighting, committing real or imagined incest, and indulging in an orgy of violence and death.... just another day at the Oedipal office for the ancient Greeks really. It's a wonder they had the time to create civilisation as we know it with all that going on.....

Diary entries must have been like :

10.00 Philosophise on nature of being
11.00 Murder step sister who is sleeping with my son's best friend
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Calculate Pi to 1000 places
15.00 Bring curse onto my adulterous wife - death at sea by Neptune's hand or crushed by a thunderbolt from Zeus?

Just exhausting! ..... thing is the play was brilliant, starred Helen Mirren and the delectable Dominic Cooper ('Mamma Mia'), and is part of a strategy by the National Theatre in UK to film their plays and broadcast them around the world. Great to get some Kulcha.

Only downside was throwing out my back which occurred when I was drying myself off after a shower. I didn't really feel the effects till that evening (although sitting in the cinema proved uncomfortable) when I was lying in bed......

It began a very painful life.....thank goodness the play was really good....


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