Sunday, July 12, 2009

Project 289 - Day 116 (Saturday 11 July 2009) : Hugs, Disney, and a Late Night Curry

This is Day 3 of the week My Body Became Freaking Ungrateful.

After mostly filling it with healthy foods, fairly bursting with nutrients, and vitamins and minerals (but not heavy metals like mercury which are, I'm reasonably sure, not good for you unless you want to mutate into a three armed, blind monster... not a career choice of mine), and making sure I got enough sleep, walked and swam, and slathered it in moisturisers and youth-sustaining cosmetics, what does my body do? How does it repay all that hard work to keep dead?

It swells up a gel sac in my right heel to the point where walking is very painful (OK to be fair the swelling was the result of too tight very funky black leather shoes that I persisted in wearing too work for too long but still....); so painful in fact, that I have to cancel all my activities on Saturday bar lunch with beautiful guy and my friend Fahmi, and spent the day curled up on my bed.... alas no trips to Oxford Street to farewell my friend Jason as he leaves for a year in East Timor, or to see my beautiful guy's friend, Sam, as he leaves for Melbourne....

The one BIG compensating factor, and this is HUGE, is I got to spend the day curled up in bed WITh my beautiful guy eating yummy curries (see above), and watching family movies like "Princess Diairies 2".... yep hard living was had by, um, not us!!! So I guess I can at least thank my body for some unscheduled quiet couple time so maybe it doesn't hate as much as I thought.....


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