Monday, July 06, 2009

Project 289 - Day 111 : Oh the Fantasies of Train-Moving Bureaucrats

Oh to live in the magical gilded world of CityRail!

If I lived there, I wouldn't actually need to:

(1) Get to my job on time and I could potentially wait as long as necessary for the next train, assuming I even bothered to go to work at all.

(2) Cancel parts of my job at will, with no consequences to me (although those depending on me would be massively impacted. My care factor? Sub-zero and counting downwards, ever downwards!)

(3) Ask the people affected by my blithe attitude to my job, and addiction to doing as little as possible, to inconvenience themselves to work around my on-a-whim announcements

.... and if you were a citizen of RailCorp land too, you could ride the gravy train to Corruption Land, all the while not lifting a finger to doing anything meaningful. What a happy world that would be, not to mention corpulent and affluent as hell!!

>>>> all this sarcastic ranting and raving springs from my delightful commute to work this morning where CityRail in short order:

(a) cancelled a train but never announced they had. The train simply never showed up!

(b) Kindly sent along the next train which with two trains worth of people on it was so full that I daresay there are sardines with more personal space than we had! To top that off, the CityRail driver then had the audacity to request that "this train is really full. Please catch the next one." Which may or may not turn up, and after you've waited 15 minutes longer than necessary for your non-arriving usual train!

(c) They then sent the train the wrong way around the City Circle, delaying me even further.

Now I am not in the best of moods on Monday generally, and this really didn't help! Thank goodness for my iPod, the novel I was reading and "The Sydney Morning Herald", all of which saved my sanity on a very trying morning.


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