Monday, July 06, 2009

Project 289 - Day 109 (Saturday 4 July, 2009): File When Your Heart Is Breaking

I have a highly sophisticated filing system. No, I really do....

It begins with opening my mail or returning from shopping. The bills, statements and credit card slips are carefully tossed like an ingredient into an unruly garden salad, into the Daly Male bag above. It may look like a recipe for unmitigated chaos, but is in fact a highly honed system of barely controlled chaos, from which I manage to extract credit card slips, when necessary, with miraculous ease. Yes it takes hours to find a required statement or credit card slip, but my dogged persistence usually pays off, and I emerge triumphant vowing to file with far greater efficiency in the future.

But what usually happens is that any paperwork I need easier access to ends up in a jumbled pile under the cane stands that support my stereo speakers, yearning to be placed into the carefully labelled, and chronically underused manila folders in the plastic tubs in my walk in wardrobe..... point in my my favour is that the folders are very nicely labelled. Not used well, but labelled, and really that what you want in a filing system..... I mean who actually uses it? Please....... when there are perfectly good shopping bags to stuff paperwork into, never to be seen again....


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