Monday, July 06, 2009

Project 289 - Day 110 (Sunday 5 July, 2009) : Yum.. Yum ..Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum...Cha!

Here I am at the Palace Restaurant in Piccadilly Arcade, City with my very good friend, Jason (brown vest) and my gorgeous guy.

Jason works advising on HIV/AIDS health policy and is about to leave for a year in that tropical idyll East Timor.... well, when it isn't in political, economic or social flux that is!! It can be an emotionally taxing place to be since the infrastructure is limited, social diversions few (unless you're on the U.N. gravy train! Then it's wine, women, and cheaps groceries!!), and unless you develop some good friendships, which thankfully Jason has, a lonely place to be. The upshot for Jason is the chance to be on the ground floor shaping policy and the challenge of assisting a newly emerging country to craft it's social policy.

I will miss him being in Sydney though - we are very much on the same wavelength and it's one of those friendships where the sharing is deep and often. But thanks to Facebook, Twitter, email and roaming, and maybe Skype (if I ever get it uploaded!!), the distances aren't that vast....

.... and in the meantime, there's Yum Cha.....


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