Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Project 289 - Day 118 (Monday 13 July 2009) : Paging Nurse Beautiful Guy

Yesterday if you recall I threw my back into less than pleasurable spasms (that's assuming there are pleasurable ones!) when I tried to dry my left foot with a towel (just for the record I had successfully dried the rest of my body before that!)....

... I thought I was OK going to bed, with just a small amount of pain as I turned in bed. But as the night wore on, my back got tighter and tighter, and more and more sore, and every movement became a massive effort, resulting at one stage in a cry of pain that amazingly did not wake my house mate. So my plans to go to work, and tough it out (yep I am the original He-Man! But without the toy action figure) went out the window (not thrown by me as that would have hurt too much!) and I spent the day seeing the doctor (and acquiring a script for heavy duty Zoltaren, a pain killer, that became a very good friend indeed; alas I haven't become addicted to it which completely crushes any idea of a 'Andrew Beats Pain Killer Addiction' telemovie! Damn it!) and my friend, Justin's physio who did all sorts of warming and oil-related things to my back which was so soothing.

Then that night my darling man came around, cooked me a delicious pasta dinner (refusing to let me help, which was so hard to observe as I am so used to looking after others) and then put some Deep Heat on me before leaving me with a hot pack to warm my pack as I drifted off to sleep....


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