Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Project 289 - Day 119 (Tuesday 14 July 2009) : More Zoltaren That You Can't Poke a Stick At (Thanks to Your Sore Back)

Tonight was French National Day and in honour of the French storming the Bastille, I ate some petits fours. I meant to eat a croissant too but forgot.....

.... that's largely because I spent my day trying to get comfortable. So the day, in thrilling fashion, consisted largely of me applying heat packs, Deep Heat to my own back (fun when you have limited movement - thank god no one was around with a video camera otherwise I'd have been on YouTube in a flash!), lying in bed, and going to the physio again (a journey in itself thanks to the drive in a non-ergonomic car seat)...

The day was finished in the loveliest way possible by dear beloved man coming over and cooking me a delicious stir fry from scratch (he's so clever!) and applying the Deep Heat again while we watched the first episode of the new Torchwood series, "Children of Earth"....


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