Sunday, July 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 124 : Fire!!! Or My Possible Could-Have-Been-Life-Threatening Brush with a Fiery Death

The day had been delightfully uneventful - a leisurely Yum Cha brunch with my good friend Peter, shopping with my beautiful guy and Peter, followed by a nap - when suddenly all hell broke loose!

My beautiful guy had no sooner stepped into the apartment that the fire alarm went off in the building and we were forced to run for our lives, flames licking at our heels, the screams of our neighbours echoing in the packed stairwell as we leapt two stairs at a time, desperate to escape the inferno threatening to consume us.... we barely escaped with our lives, and as the sounds of "We May Never Love Like This Again" ran around and through us like a demented sonic puppy, we paused to consider how close we had come to dying, and gave thanks for this wonderful second chance at life when we would never take anything for granted again and...

Oh all right.... the fire alarm went off, I changed from my tracky daks from my jeans (as if I was going to flee for my life, well potentially, in tracky daks!), we walked down the stairs, stood outside in the cold till the firemen said we could go back in....

See that wasn't nearly as dramatic as the bit was it?

Now as I was saying..... debris were raining down upon us as we ran for our lives, wondering if we would .......


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