Friday, July 17, 2009

Project 289 - Day 122 : St Peters Parade

Every morning, an eclectic group of commuters move with great speed and purpose up to St Peters station, racing to catch the next in Cityrail's long line of trains that may or may not turn up on time. 

Every weekday evening, the same commuters walk back down the same hill, one after another, back to the apartment blocks that crowd the streets of Erskineville and Alexandria.

This delightful rite, which would no doubt keep an army of social anthropologists in orgasms of delight for decades as they decoded it's significance ("Um, I owe VISA and Mastercard lots of money?"), is affectionately known by those who participate in it as the "St Peters Parade", and tonight I captured the Parade in all it's glory, all blurry, colourful and full-on, as I walkws, without stopping.....


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