Monday, April 30, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 121 - My very own Keratoacanthoma

About two weeks ago, a weird little pimple appeared on my face and wouldn't go away. It grew and grew into a fleshy lump on my face called a Kertoacanthoma which is technically a tumour.

Not a cancerous one I'm told by doctors but thye can in certain circumstances go cancerous. Thankfully I am getting mine cut out with a plastic surgeon but but not ill 4th June. It will be a long wait and meanwhile I feel like the Faceback of Notre Dame with this lump where my upper left cheek used to be.



Sunday, April 29, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 120 - Chilling

Apart from a walk by myself to Dulwich Hill IGA to get croissants for breakfast (plus all the toiletries I forgot to get yesterday at Newtown IGA)...where is my brain sometimes?!... my gorgeous guy and I stayed in all day.

He worked on his project for Environment while I caught about two weeks worth of this blog, sent some questions off to a Swedish artist, Jonas Oakland for the interview I am conducting with him for, and had a mini nap. We even stayed in for dinner and had leftovers.

It was the perfect combination of doing stuff but still relaxing and so naturally it deserves cats that are chilling... of course it does...

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 119 - So much clever, pretty street artwrok

We were backing from my gorgeous guy getting hits hair cut, and me doing some shopping (including picking up the deluxe edition of ABBA's final album, "The Visitors" which I had been looking forward to for AGES), when I spotted this on one of the lane ways just across from Australia Street, which comes off King Street, Newtown.

I love street art generally but this really attracted because it involved (a) fantasy (b) LEGO and (c) lots of colour. Full marks to the artists for such clever art.


Friday, April 27, 2012

TGIF funnies

And some gems from my favourite Tumblr site, Ambiguity Report Maybe


Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 118 - The arty side of Cityrail

Another busy day at work and a delightful dinner that night at my place - Moroccan Meatballs with brown rice, squash and broccoli with Pinot Noir from NZ- with my gorgeous guy and my housemate Aidan. Perfect last day of the working week.

Also saw some semi-fun graffiti at the train station which I photographed as I waited for the 7.40 train with my housemate Aidan...

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 117 - Poked and prodded

No, it's not what you think... please remove your otherwise lovely mind from the gutter!

I went to a specialist today at Sydney Skin in Camperdown to get a skin blob on my face looked at. The doctor was delightful and it's been decided to remove it in about 2 weeks but the whole 10 minute consultation cost $200 before I get $70 back from Medicare.

I walked home, grabbed some groceries, and then worked from home for a while before relaxing and then heading out to see Justin for some yummy Turkish food on Enmore Road at "Sultan's Table". We had so much fun catching up on all sorts of news and made a date to catch up again soon. I love having him as a friend!

We got the last table on the street and had lots of passers by going by us but the staff were warm and friendly and we had a ball! 

We walked across the side road to "Cow and the Moon" for YUMMY gelato... loved the artwork!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 116 - Lest We Forget

A mid week public holiday is a glorious thing, interrupting the busy flow of work for one precious span of 24 hours. But we can never forget what it means and the men and women who sacrificed much so I could relax and chill on a day off in a peaceful, prosperous and free country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great things you did for me and all Australians.

The only outing was to the movies to see a military-themed Hollywood blockbuster - it was not picked because of that and I only realised the symbolism later on - "Battleship" and really wished I hadn't. (See my review here.) But loved hanging out with my gorgeous guy, Stepehn and Fahmi and stopping for pastizzis in King Street on the way home.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 115 -

Sunny morning led to a freaking storm that lasted a bare 20 minutes before dissipating.

Then after an extremely busy day of finalising research for Valerie's book and proofing it, and reading almost 110 blogs for the Best Australian Blogs competition, we stopped for champagne and cupcakes. A perfect way to wind down for a mid week public holiday.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 114 - Sunsets from work

The colours that sweep across the Harbour some nights are beyond beautiful.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 113 - Another perfect day in Melbourne

We started off, after getting home at 2 am and having a nice long sleep in, with brunch in Maling Road, Surrey Hills. It's a great shopping strip with lots of one-of-a-kind shops and cafes, and we had a lovely time dining al fresco and watching Melbourne life happen around us.

Then we dropped into Brian and Sue's for afternoon tea with Brian, Stella and Hugo (Sue was at work and Lucy was at an AFL game in Geelong)...

Lucy had recently celebrated her birthday and got these crayons you can write on window with - so much fun! So we left a message for her that we told Stella and Hugo she had to find on her own.

Then off to Steve's mum and dad's for one last visit, some more yummy food, and then a trip to the airport and the flight home where Steve used the video facility on his Nano for the first time...

I hammed it up for Steve's 13 second cinematic masterpiece. Like I wouldn't...

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 112 - Off to Melbourne!

Steve's brother turns 50 on 24 April and decided to throw a big party at his home so we headed on down to Melbourne to join in the celebrations.

It was quite the journey to get there. Fog delayed our departure from Sydney - if only we'd known when we rushed down the banana bread we had for breakfast - and kept us circling Melbourne airport for at least an hour meaning it took us 2 1/2 hours to reach Melbourne. So much for an early Saturday morning arrival. (When we left my home at 6.30 am there was fog lingering everywhere which should have given us some indication of what awaited us.)

We spent a lot of time aloft - thank goodness I packed extra magazines to read and bought Saturday's Sydney Morning Herlad so we had something to keep ourselves amused.
Carolyn, Steve's sister patiently waited for us at Melbourne airport - she sensibly took along her e-reader so she wasn't stuck staring at the ceiling while our plane circled above - then took us home via the bottle shop (where we bought Ric's birthday present) where a beautifully made bed, with Lindt bunnies atop it, awaited us.

Next stop was lunch at Steve's parents' place - so lovely to see them as always and the food was lovely. We headed back home mid afternoon for a much needed nap, without which I would not have survived the party! Sad but true...

The party was wonderful. Melissa and Darren have fabulously good taste and the tables were set out beautifully, the food was delicious - they had two very cute guys making paellas in the traditional large dishes - their friends were so much fun to talk to, and the wine flowed smoothly.

A lovely night.

No, not alien craft landing but gorgeous lanterns Melissa had suspended in the trees,

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