Monday, July 19, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 199 (Sunday 18 July 2010) : Kulcha mate!

Enough with Coldplay and Madonna! Well for one afternoon at least....

For today, I got KULCHA. Yes I went with my darling man, and his friends, Alan & Pieta to the Australian Chamber Orchestra to hear some Vivaldi, Haydn, and some modern pieces, all guest conducted by a Russian woman who styles herself as the Barefoot Fiddler. Granted she had her fun moments, but after the delightful fun of the Schutz piece at the top of the bill, we were 'treated' to two very dismal, dirge-like pieces, one apparently by Armenia's greatest living composer.

Interval gave Pieta and I a chance to be a tad subversive and trash the modernist stuff - I usually like anything new but the funereal qualities of the pieces left both of us cold and sleepy - and to debrief with my gorgeous guy and Pieta's partner, Alan, who are the true classical music buffs (the ACO is usually their gig alone). Thankfully act 2 was far more engaging and fun and a piece called Zoom Zip really lived up to its name, and of course, good old Vivaldi (with a weird little bit in the middle courtesy of the 'impish' Barefoot Fiddler) who I love and adore and is the reason I went in the first place. While it wasn't all my cup of tea, it was lovely to share somewhat that my lovely man is passionate about, and spend some time getting to know his wonderful friends a little better.
Topping and tailing all this classical Kulcha was a yummy lunch at Alan and Pieta's place in Potts Point - Alan cooked the yummiest salmon scrambled eggs and put them on perfectly toasted bread pieces which we ate on their delightfully sunlit balcony, washed down with champagne and Semillon Sauvignon Blanc - and drinks at the Opera Bar afterwards, which is where the photos were taken.
It was a busy day and my guy and I were absolutely exhausted by the end of it, but we had the loveliest time, and got Kulcha into the bargain.


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