Monday, July 12, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 191 (Saturday 10 July 2010) : Wine and Hedgehogs

OK call off the RSPCA!

We didn't eat any hedgehogs but naturally if we had, we would have killed them humanely, and sauted them in a lovely red wine sauce..... actually they're so cute, spikes and all that I would have likely flown it to the UK, set it free, and ordered Thai takeaway instead....
..........but instead, after wine and olives at my place, we (my friend Peter, gorgeous guy and I)went to watch the wonderful new French movie, The Hedgehog (at Dendy Newtown), which is quirky, warm, and ultimately quite heart wrenching. I won't spoil it by giving away the ending but suffice to say, its theme of love, life and death resonated strongly with me, although its melancholic strands meant we walked out at 9pm on a Saturday night feeling quite bummed out. Party on Wayne!!!! Or not.....
As it turned out, dinner was just lovely at the ever wonderful Tre Viet further down King Street - we even indulged in fried ice cream balls after the cinnamon pork ribs and salty spiced tofu, both delish - and gave us a chance to talk the movie through so spirits rebounded reasonably quickly.
The movie on reflection is a warm, wonderful human drama that captures how life can surprise when we least expect it in good, and bad ways, but not Saturday night fare. Duly noted......


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