Monday, July 12, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 192 (Sunday 11 July 2010) : This Erko Boy Went to Market...

Like the Little Piggy before me, I have often been to market...or markets.

It seems like they are one very street corner in Sydney, and while I had made it to the highly regarded Paddington markets (great for original arts and crafts), the Marrickville Markets (great organic produce, with hippie-like vibe that reminds me of the markets in my home area of the Far North Coast of NSW), and the Glebe Markets (funky mix of second hand and original stuff), I had never been to the markets at Rozelle, where second hand is king.

That was, until today. While my gorgeous guy was stuck at home doing extra work for his contract, I headed off to Rozelle with good friend, Fahmi, for brunch at Piccolo Padre, which has great food, and a warm community feel (I swear the barista knew all the locals and was as gregarious as they come) before we went across the road to work our way around all the stalls selling all manner of second hand books, art, household goods and plants/food. It wasn't as big as I'd expected, although Fahmi tells me Saturday is bigger and busier, which of course means I must return!
Hilariously with move to the new apartment just around the corner, I managed to buy 2 more thick books - one on the Two Ronnies (loved them growing up - I would watch them with Mum and Dad) and one on the decline of various civilisations throughout history - and a very funky glass artwork. Yes I need more things to move like I need a right wing fundamentalist American patriot sharing a house with me!
It was fun though and a lovely relaxed thing to do when so much stress beckons.....


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