Friday, July 16, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 197 : Once More to IKEA Men.....and Women...

My lovely guy and I finally found the time a few days back to start getting his IKEA Besta buffet together - a friend of mine that if you know the names of the products off by heart, then you are truly an IKEA devotee....or tragic! - and when he was finishing off putting on the doors etc, he realised that one part of the BESTA (it's two parts that are put together to form one unit) could be used as storage next to his kitchen.

Getting the measure of the BESTA

So off we went to good old IKEA to get a single BESTA unit and two BENNO units (used for CDs and DVDs) which will attach to the end of the BESTA buffet to form an IKEA hybrid, we like to call the NO-STA! Hmm that sounds less than complimentary but it's the best we can come up with at short notice! Suffice to day he will now have oddles upon noddles of storage space.
The BENNO in all it's flat pack glory!

Suffice to say I am now ridiculously familiar with IKEA and I am fairly certain could navigate around it in the dark if I had to..... thankfully I didn't have to as it was near deserted on a Friday night and we were out and on our way home in no time flat for some take away Chinese and Friday night TV....


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