Tuesday, July 20, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 201 : Takin' the Twilight Zone Train Home

What an odd night.

It started off OK when I reached the platform just as my train was pulling in....YAY!

Got to Circular Way in fine time. Happy!
Then we ground to a dead halt in the dark tunnel between Circular Quay and St James station. Why?
Seems there was a signalling failure at St James station and so we crept along a few metres at a time for 25 minutes, far longer than the normal travelling time. Unhappy.
While we moved at a snail pace to St James, a man argued very loudly with his girlfriend over the phone. Less happy still.
Finally left St James, picked up speed and got to St Peters station (home) quickly. Cheers all around!
(with a very sympathetic text form my lovely guy who is always endlessly supportive)
Hmm not those kind of cheers....try this one....
Walked out from the station to find pouring rain for the walk home. Yikes!
Found my umbrella. Yay again!

Got home, got changed, and got warm.


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