Saturday, January 09, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 9 : No First Night But Hard To Swallow Day

The plan was lofty, ambitious and foolhardy....

My beautiful guy and I, along with good friends Warren, Ian and Peter would all head into the City, along with 200,000 of our closest private space invading acquaintances, and experience the sensory overload of the Sydney Festival's First Night (not to be confused with the First Noel, which attracts far more smaller crowds of shepherds and wise men generally). We'd done it last year and had a ball wandering through Hyde Park and hearing a funky French folk band that played with vigour and jois de vivre, cramming into Martin Place to watch music being played on a giant metal ship belching fire and smoke (don't ask!), and finishing up with thousands of others in The Domain watching Grace Jones do her wacky, wild  thing.

So hopes were high for tonight until.... I got sick. Very, very sick. So sick it hurt till I cried every time I tried to swallow. I wasn't really in the mood for wandering around and experiencing all manner of fun and frivolity, not to mention that I had no strength at all, so my beautiful guy and I had a very quiet night in, watching Big Bang Theory episodes.

OK there were no funky French bands, or weird light shows, or cooky Caribbean songstresses, but I had my beautiful guy with me, and while it didn't make me feel physically better, I did feel much loved and cared for, and that made up for whatever entertainment I missed out on tonight.


Oh, and after MONTHS of reading chapters here and there, I feel finished off a massive sci-fi series by Jay, which was great reading, even if it was a little repetitive and cliched in places. All that's beside the point anyway... the fact I finished the book! So there's at least one upside to being exhausted and sick.


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