Saturday, January 02, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 2 : Sleeping in, Sloth, Shopping and Stirring Like Crazy

Today is another one of those fabulously special anniversary days.

After getting together at my friend Fahmi's NYE party, 31 Dec 2009, Steve and I went on our very first real date at Stir Crazy Thai, Erskineville, which has now become our favourite restaurant in the area. Not just because of the sentimental attachments, which admittedly is considerable, but because the staff are sweet, the food is delish-yum, and sitting outside on the footpath is a great way to watch the world go by especially on the balmy Summer nights when a soft breeze is blowing.

On the night of Jan 2, 2009, we actually sat upstairs, and I must confess that while I felt very good about Steve, and our prospects as a couple - yes even then! - I was still wondering if the wonderful connection between us started in October 2008 (at the impromptu key exchange), and continued on during the party (and after it!) would last. Well, It did and how. We talked for hours and hours, about our backgrounds, families, jobs and even my beautiful guy's love of encyclopedias. The conversation was also fun, interesting and sparkling and it further cemented the wonderful beginning to our relationship....

The night of Jan 2, 2010, was in a similar vein. Yes we are very much together, and walked hand in hand all the way there and back from my place (taking pics of a fantastically over-decorated place in one of the streets that we loved!), but the conversation still flowed with the ease borne of being with your closest, dearest friend and lover, and we were even served by the same waitress, who had only just started the night we had our first date! We even ordered some of the same dishes (including curry puffs and Heavenly Beef curry - see above) we had a year ago, just to hear her repeat the order, and be transported back to a magical night exactly one year earlier, which has led to the lovely romantic night we spent together at Stir Crazy tonight.


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