Monday, December 28, 2009

Project 289 - Day 285 (Sunday 27 December 2009) : I Finally Left the House and....

Today actually involved some activity!

Well beyond reaching for jars, or opening the fridge, and consuming food! In fact I spent most of this morning not consuming food in a bizarre change from the usual Christmas pace! What I did do in place of consuming all those festive red and green calories was go to the Bangalow Markets with my brother Steve and his girlfriend Aimee and peruse the usual jumble of home made jewelery, soaps, glassware (same place as last year's blue and red pieces but bright orange and tres funky!), and for my beautiful guy, some locally made ginger beary syrup. Quite how I will get this home in a small suitcase etc is a challenge but he likes it and I thought it'd be a lovely post-Christmas treat.

I resisted buying more art from a lady who's work I really like since I don't have anywhere to hang it at the moment - maybe next year! - and we went through the funky shops in Bangalow where I got a fantastic book on the history and maps of mythical lands, and real lands where they got it all wrong at first i.e. Africa. A lovely thick hardcover tome that is also fabulously heavy but I had to have it and it will be so interesting to read. Unfortunately all this perusing took place in pouring rain - thankfully the markets were perused before the heavens opened - and so we curtailed going to the shops further down the street and headed for Byron Bay for brunch...

Alas the rain was POURING there and so right on cue everyone decided they needed to have brunch RIGHT THEN! LOL. So we stuck to trawling the funky homewares stores - I got the best anniversary gift for my guy and a great little device to tie up the seemingly unending cord of my iPod's earphones - I grabbed a quick sultana scone and we headed home, without the hoped for swimming....

I lolled around at home for a hour or two and then headed out for a coffee - well Powerade and chocolate cake in my case - with my long standing high school friend, Sue. We didn't actually go to the same high school  but shared a friend in common, and have stayed in touch, catching up each year when she and I returned to our respective carbon-based parental units for Christmas. As usual, it was just lovely seeing her - catching up on all the news, laughing and have a great discussion on the current affairs issues du jour. We only had 2 hours or so but we made the most of it!

Back home to a leftovers dinner - my favourite kind when it involves my Mum's leftovers!! - and I made a delish bubble n squeak from left over roast veges and ham, which I had with turkey and apple sauce.... got to love the all in approach of eating in the days following Christmas....

I finished the day off with a Glee marathon on Channel 10, which was perfect since they were all episodes I hadn't seen! After all that camp fabulousness, it was a wonder I could sleep at all but I did and in that brief moment when I did stir that night, I reflected and decided the day had been very good indeed!


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