Saturday, December 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 277 :On The 6th day of Andrew's Christmas, I Decorated the Tree With....

Today's ornaments du jour - yes I am aware it's tautology in two languages at once but it sounds good so I will let it slide - are my travel ornaments from this year. I tend to accumulate a number of souvenirs when I travel, the most popular being fridge magnets, but I also tend to end up with lots of Christmas ornaments especially ones dated the year I'm traveling.

Strictly speaking they don't fit the popular culture theme, but I am prepared to make exceptions where the ornaments has a sentimental attachment of some kind, and these most certainly do. The Sausalito one represents the group I was in San Francisco with - my friend Warren, and his friends, Jason & melinda, and Warren & Leith - while the New York one was picked up by Warren for me because, well, I just thought it would be funky! He did very well getting me a very cool ornament....

...... and the Teletubby? What on earth could LaLa possibly represent? Well nothing directly, but the last time I was in San Francisco before this year's trip, I picked him up, everyone's favourite gay Teletubby, at Pier 39, right in the heart of Fisherman's Wharf. I don't usually remember where I pick up the majority of my ornaments when overseas but I remember him quite clearly and so he makes today's cut of traveling ornaments.


Tonight was a wonderful night. I celebrated my friend Peter's birthday a few days early with a group of his friends (many of whom I have met before), starting with drinks and nibblies (what a fabulous word!) on his balcony lined as it was with bauble strewn pot plants,before we moved on to a delicious, and cheap, dinner at what was Thairiffic but is now Thai Face (or as we wholesomely christened it, "Thai Faeces"). 

The conversation and wine flowed smoothly, and we ended up with a few new people coming to Symphony in the Domain and a dinner invite or two.

Absolutely lovely, and once again my beautiful guy ended up as the Designated Driver, making the Christmas Lush? Hmm how times have changed! LOL Must drink water.....


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