Saturday, December 12, 2009

Project 289 - Day 270 : Crumpets, Glebe.... and a Quiche Named Manuel

This morning when we slept in was about as chilled and relaxed as today got. Add Image
The moment my beautiful guy and I stepped out of bed, the clock was ticking FAST, and we barely had time to eat some crumpets at high speed (with juice to wash them down!) before dashing out the door, and going to Marrickville Metro for grocery shopping (served, I might add at Woolies by a sullen sick-of-life gay man who was so grating that I wanted to slap him by the end of scanning our goods!) for all our picnic goods for the next day. That delightful task done, my beautiful guy headed back to his place to iron tablecloths and table runners while I screamed across to Glebe to buy one of his Christmas gifts, some more groceries (how can anyone forget they need toilet paper? I mean seriously!!) before we reunited at my place for quiche making (which involved me dicing onions with finesse and frying them to golden perfection, and some very intense spinach squeezing by my beautiful guy... best not to ask, but no, it's not a fetish!), a power nap (super power nap as I barely lay down before I was up again!), showers and some more dashing out the door to grab some wine for a Christmas present before we dashed further afield to Glebe and a Christmas party!
Thankfully things slowed down nicely at the party, at the home of a delightful couple we know, Bill and Ian, where we were treated to high alcohol content vodka jelly shots, yummy food (chipolatas, sushi etc), fabulous Christmas decorations, and sparkling fun conversation with a great range of Bill and Ian's wonderful friends.
It is always a good thing when all that frenetic hummingbird-like activity yields these sorts of delightful nights with good friends..... now I just need to stop flapping my wings for a second...


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