Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Project 289 - Day 266 : Where The Wilds Things Are.....and Aren't

I loved seeing this movie tonight. It is one of those movies that defies easy categorisation, and I had read reviews which essentially complained that the movie was too adult for kids, and too kid-oriented for adults. I'd have to respectfully disagree. While it is not really a kids movie as such, I think it is perfect for adults trying to reconcile what it means to be a adult with your inner kid still often running wild inside. We try to tame it, and make sense of it, and wonder why at whatever advanced age we are (not that 44 is advanced at all... why I am barely out of the teen years really!), we still feel like we're 6 years old at times. It certainly isn't easy being a kid as Max discovers time and time again in the real world, and again in the imaginary world he inhabits "where the wild things are", but you can learn lessons about what's really important, as Max does, and ease the way through just a little bit.

Beyond all the lessons learnt, the characters created by Spike Jonze are whimsical, fully formed and delightful, the visuals almost poetic and beautiful, and there is this otherworldly quality to the whole movie that captures the sense you have entered a world not your own, perfectly. I was so drawn into the special place Max inhabited for most of the movie that I forgot to drink my water, didn't notice my friend Fahmi fall asleep next to me, and I didn't check my watch once.

I did, however, manage to remember to keep holding the hand of my beautiful guy throughout, and what is any movie without some serious hand holding with your beloved other?

Then on the way to drop my beautiful guy home, we passed by this amazing house (above) that redefined Over The Top (OTT) so spectacularly that we just had to stop and take some pictures. I love Christmas and the lengths people go to (and I go to!) to celebrate it, and so I pay homage to the people of this house in Frazier Street, Dulwich Hill who found the OTT button, pressed it, and sat back and enjoyed the blindingly colourful results!


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