Monday, December 07, 2009

Project 289 - Day 265 : Yet More Ornaments!

Including my purchases from the good people of Hallmark and Carlton Cards in Canada, and a couple of stores in San Francisco and Sausalito, I bought home at least 20 Christmas ornaments to add to what is by any estimation an impressive collection of pop culture ornaments. So you'd think that I would have had my fill of new ornaments and would just be contentedly decorating my tree with all the ornaments I already possess, new and old.

But no, in my quest to find some silver angel hair tinsel to sprinkle across my tree, I managed to buy - completely accidentally, of course! - yet more ornaments! To be fair, they were part of a series I had one of already, they were 25% off and I had a $10 gift voucher that I had to use up before this Sunday. In my mind, and admittedly it has been heavily influenced by my tinsel addiction (I am probably just 1 step away from cutting it into small pieces and snorting it, such is my Christmas-a-holicism!) it was an absolutely necessary purchase as was the bright sequined star-shaped tree topper.

I needed them all, as did my tree. Crying out for them. Had to have them..... Really.


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