Sunday, December 06, 2009

Project 289 - Day 263 (Saturday 5 December 2009) : Hair Hair I Say!

I slept in today with my beautiful guy snuggled up close to me.

I ate cinnamon pikelets with honey and drank an apple/mango juice for brunch.

I shopped at Bunnings (for dowel rods for my beautiful guy's funky abstract Christmas tree he has designed from scratch - he's so talented and creative!), bought some groceries, and finally at 5.15, found the Christmas lights I needed for my tree!

Finished a delightful day off with a lovely heart to heart with my guy, pizza and a viewing of "The Plan", the new Battlestar Galactica DVD.

But the defining event of the day? My beautiful guy got his haircut by his stylist, keeping the length but getting the sides shortened. Why do you need to know that? I guess you don't but he looked even more gorgeous afterwards and it gave me lots of excuses to gaze at him, run my fingers through his hair and snuggle into him... and that my friends, made my day.


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