Friday, January 01, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 1 : Sweep, Scrub, Eat, Nap.... In That Order

Just After Midnight on 1 January 2010

What a morning!

We watched the fireworks from my balcony, and the harbour ones on the TV with the soundtrack turned way up (with a wonderful long snog with my guy to complete a wonderful marking of the New Year ticking over) then went back to lots of eating, champagne quaffing (perhaps a tad too much! LOL) and wonderful conversation till everyone left about 2.30 a.m. and my guy and I crawled into bed and..... went soundly immediately to sleep.....

After a suitably long sleep in, we bounded out of bed at the crack of midday, sort of ate some toast (perhaps a little too full still from earlier in the day!), then spent an enjoyable hour or so cleaning up the mess from the night before, which, thankfully, wasn't too bad thanks to cleaning up as we went along, and the help of our lovely guests before they left. With the apartment back in pristine condition, and cleaner than it's been in months (ya gotta love parties or guests staying to spur you to a complete and total freshening up), we got ready to host our friends, Fahmi, and Brett (see below) for afternoon tea - party pies (see one decorated way below!) and sausage leftover cheese, olives, dip and rackers, and generous slices of the enormous orange and poppyseed cake I picked up for the party and we never ate. The weather was balmy, a little humid but we talked, laughed and behaved remarkably like adults who had a full night's sleep...

All except my lovely guy who needed a nap once the guests had left and proceeded to sleep right through to 8.30pm. He claimed it was still afternoon, and that there was simply an eclipse but I had to break the news that the sun had in fact set and it was night time. I am not sure he still believed me, but we had a very pleasant 'eclipsed afternoon' eating more food and drinking some wine on the balcony before watching Fanny Hill on the ABC and then a few songs of RAGE.

It was a wonderfully chilled start to 2010, a year I expect to be every bit as wonderful as 2009, although as I have said previously, it will have to be freaking stupendous to beat the sheer amazing wonderfulness of 2009, which was the best year of my life, thanks to being with the most sweet, gorgeous, kind, handsome, intelligent man in the world - my beautiful guy Steve.


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