Sunday, January 03, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 3 : Avatar and the Jumping Onto a Pretty Fabulous Bandwagon

I am suspicious of hype.

Yes, I know, a weird thing to say when you are an exuberant extrovert, prone to going so far over the top you have a perfectly lovely view of the ground below... and yes the people really do look like ants it's true. But while genuine infectious enthusiasm is wonderful, and usually based on something great that's happened, or is happening, hype, at least in Hollywood's less than subtle hands is usually a prelude to crushing disappointment.

So while I was excited to be seeing Avatar in 3D (hence the fabulously hip eye wear!), the film du jour that everyone is seeing, and not just sci-fi watching geeks, I was also a tad trepidatious, worrying that it would be all bright blue pixels and not much else. 

Well I needn't have worried. Along with my beautiful guy, and very good friends Fahmi, Stephen, Essie, Ian & Bill and Brett, I watched a movie today that, while inthrall to some cliches and sledgehammer political messages (ones I agree with yes but subtle as an earthquake nonetheless) and derivative as hell at certain points, was also wildly imaginative, richly alive, with heart and soul, and visual imagery that took your breath away more times than it didn't.

I loved it....... and the Indian Thali food my beautiful guy, Essie and Fahmi had at Maya in Cleveland Street, Surry Hills afterwards....YUM!


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