Tuesday, January 05, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 4 (Monday 4 January 2010) : Elementary My Dear Watson...It's All a Bit Fishy

Is there anything better than a day off during the week?!

OK well winning lots and lots of money, and living in Yaletown in Vancouver for a year, and the love of friends and family, and that episode of Glee I missed sometime back, but besides all of that, is there anything better?

Before you present me with your list a kilometre long (still doesn't sound as good as mile does it?), let me just pretend that a day off during the week is fantabulously glittery and reeking of gorgeosity, and so much better than sliced bread, that the aforementioned loaf is even now sobbing and turning itself into a doughy mess in some neglected Baker's Delight somewhere.......

Today was one of those wonderfully chilled great days off during the week... we slept in, opened my beautiful guy's new Dell laptop (out of the box; not the laptop itself) and oohed and aahed at its sheer sleek newness before we walked languidly out the door and did some shopping - finally got a funky red doona cover after 2 years of looking and on special! Yeah!!) - before a lovely drive to Watsons Bay and lunch at the Doyles Fish and Chips kiosk right on the beach.

The food was delicious and well-priced - get the seafood basket! - and apart from sneaky seagulls (one of the which half succeeded in snatching one of Steve's fish pieces while we distracted by his brethren going manic on the sand before us; we managed to stop him before he got away with the purloined piece of seafood!), we enjoyed a beautifully sunny lunch with stunning vies of the Harbour and City, before walking along the beach and into Watsons Bay proper and finally the National Park right on the water behind all the houses.

Just magical, and the day was made even more lovely by the wine and cheese and olives on the balcony before dinner with a soft cooling breeze wafting across the building complex. I didn't have to work but alas my baby did, so we decamped from my place to his for the night and went to sleep, after that outdoor air and sunshine (a tad too much in my case!), very easily....


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