Wednesday, January 06, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 6 : More Fabulous Nothingness

I dedicated this day to doing very little of anything.

Yes I went to Marrickville Metro to get my haircut - buzz cut on setting 1.5 thank you mistress of the scissors! - spend a gazillion dollars at the chemist to combat a brewing cold complete with the worst sore throat in ages, ran into some old work friends from FedEx...Nicole, Skye and Dean.... bought a discounted book or two including one about the creation of the iPod.... may god/s bless all the creators equally and bountifully..... oh, along with the people who created air conditioning and Lindor Balls..... and grabbed the newspapers while grocery shopping for lunch....

Back in the bosom of my apartment  a weird term to use for a gay man but what the hey, I ate the chicken I'd bought on a bagel I had also bought (see a pattern here? Yep, no shoplifting! Always a very good thing), watched a taping of the NBC Today Show from USA (from Dec 18 - yep I am sooooo current!), read the papers I had purchased (and wondered once again why I ever bother getting The Daily Telegraph which makes all those right wing juntas around the world look like paragons of leftist restraint), and then napped on this bed....

The napping done I did some farming on Farmtown on Facebook - yes I know it's all a bit silly but I am so addicted to it! - did this blogging, got a very sweet text from my beautiful guy and got mentally prepared to mop my bathroom floor..... it's grueling baby grueling!

The mopping done, I realised that probably wasn't the smartest course of action since I am battling the start of a cold that seems to be heralded by an incredibly sore throat.... so exhausted again, I went back to bed and read a few chapters of my book, watched the TV news and tried not to swallow.... it's not working and I am googling to see if you can temporarily remove your throat ... apparently not it seems since the head then falls off..... dang!

Postscript : throat still between head and torso and giving me much grief and not much sleep alas.... seriously considering going on a continuous Aspro Clear drip.... is there such a thing? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Blogger Justin said...

One reads the Telegraph so that one may know what those west of Parramatta are thinking. Alternatively, tune in to 2GB any time of the day or night and listen to their unfettered opinions. Jus xo

8:47 AM  

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