Saturday, January 09, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 8 : Sick Again in Summer

It never fails.

Wile the rest of Australia falls desperately ill with the flu etc in Winter, my body bravely soldiers on, ignoring entreaties from each and every virus and bacteria to play host to their demented carnival of cell-wrecking horrors. I celebrate my rude good health, extol my healthy living, and hold up my much vaunted lack of sick days taken as a sign I am not your typical Winter-sick employee....

Alas then comes Summer, and my body plays some cheap two bit whore from a saloon saturated town in the Wild West and throws it's legs wide open for any and every virus and bacteria to have a go at it, without so much as a by your leave. (Yes I know its a tenuous analogy and littered with pseudo Wild West English but what the hey!).

And so it came to pass, right on schedule, that the sore throat I thought was heading into a easily fixed cold, instead turned out to be some bizarre bacterial infection of the pharynx. With white spots sprinkled liberally including over what is apparently my resurrected tonsils, who have performed a Jesus-like miracle and risen from the dead. (I snapped today's photo in King Street, as I walked back to my car from another expensive visit to the doctor, who has now given me permission to let loose the antibiotics on the pretty white, but painful, spots in my throat.)

I am reduced to eating soups, and soft pastas, and basically anything without sharp pointy bits, or acid, which rules out fruits, fruit juices and sugars.... thankfully my darling guy came over cooked up a yummy mushroom mornay and watched some episodes of "Big Bang Theory" to take my mind off the excruciating pain of swallowing.....


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