Friday, December 09, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 343 - Looks like Blu Ginger to me

With the Christmas picnic looming, and no time left to shop for the food, I used a trip at lunch time to get work mail from Crows Nest to grab the groceries we needed, which I stored at work that night while my gorgeous guy and I had the loveliest TGIF catch up dinner with Peter.

The food was delicious (quite possibly the loveliest food since my dearly departed Posh Spice restaurant in Newtown shuffled off its mortal coil), the service delightful (well the restaurant manager was a hoot anyway) and we just sat back, ate the Bhajia and the yummy mains before Peter and my guy finished off with kulfi and I had galub jamun, which was divine. There was no rush, no hurry - just wine and talking and end of the week chilling...

Peter dropped us back at my work (where I took a photo of my guy earlier against the stunning Harbour view we will be enjoying for NYE - see below), we grabbed the groceries (surprising the very friendly cleaner!) and spent 1 1/4 hours getting home since we had to wait 15 minutes or so for every connection. Honestly it didn't worry me. I was tired sure but I was with the man I love, and the night had been so relaxed that I was happy to take it as it came.

Needless to say I slept well when I did get home.

Oh, and today is the day the St George Open Air cinema program came out. For most people it meant having 6 days to pick what they want to see but because we have early buying privileges as St George customers, we had a day to ingest the whole and pick the movies so we were ready to purchase the next morning. Needless to say Waz and I were busy on the phone at one point!

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