Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 344 (Saturday 10 December) - It's a Christmas pic-a-nic-a Boo boo!-

We hosted a Christmas picnic today and miracle of miracles it did not rain!

After the coldest to summer in 51 years (not that I am complaining - not sweating in December is such a gift!) and lots of rain with it, I was worried we'd be rained out; and if we weren't that the ground would be so waterlogged that we couldn't sit down on it. But the day, though mostly cloudy, stayed dry and even on a few occasions got sunny. Imagine that! 

We also had a lovely group of friends rock up - Warren (who helped us set the tent up, which included my beautiful man's amazingly creative abstract Christmas tree, which naturally everyone loved), Fahmi, Ian, Bill & Ian, Tricia (from Optus days) and her hubbie Gerald, and their darling daughter, Vivienne, and Essie, and John, and the twins, Ben and Sophie. It was just what I had hoped for - a long languid afternoon (12 noon to 7pm) of eating and chatting and catching up with people in one non-stressful place in the usually frantic lead-up to Christmas.

A perfect blissful day.

I am standing in the glorious shade of the tent

Steve watches over the table

A Shag drying its wings

Everyone chilling out

My gorgeous guy, Warren and Ian

Ian and Bill and their dog Jack

Warren, Ian, Essie and Aroha (Essie's dog)
Full table spread

One of my fabulous lolly trees

My chicken & chick pea mini-burger patties with mango chutney to dip in

Delectable patisseries that Ian and Bill brought along

Essie's delicious rumballs

My gorgeous guy's delicious quiches - YUM!

Ian cheese and pineapple sticks

Essie preparing her bruschetta

The view across the lake - overcast yes, but no rain!

Brett eats his fish n chips while Bill and Warren talk

My gorgeous guy with that beautiful smile of his next to his creation

A table of plenty

Brett wards off the sun, not rain! Yay!

Food! Yeah!

Ian chilling in the tent

Ben testing out his model plane

Ian and Bill's dog Jack

John S and my guy testing out paper planes

Ian and I

The group including me

The group including Brett

Essie with Ben and Sophie

Sophie in her gorgeous hat

Tricia and Gerald

A peahen strides across the grass

Ben saluting...I am not sure who!

Tricia, Warren and my gorgeous guy

The beyond cute Vivienne

My guy poses next to his beautiful tree

Native pigeon... there is so much birdlife in the park!

Waz stretching out the stress...

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