Sunday, December 04, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 337 (Saturday 3 December) - What do we want? Marriage equality! When we do want it? NOW!

Today was a momentous day.

I marched in support of gay marriage rights, along with the man I want to marry, and good friends Warren, Steve M and John P, and about 10000 other people from Hyde Park, where we heard a series of inspiring speeches (well mostly), to Darling Harbour where we gathered outside the ALP National Conference to make it clear that we wouldn't accept being second class citizens anymore. We made it loud and clear, as we chanted throughout the march down Market Street, into the mall, around into George Street and back down Market to Darling Harbour, and to any delegates listening that gay people should be allowed to marry and that the discrimination must end! It was enormously empowering to march with my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters, to have our voice heard, and while the ALP wimped out by not guaranteeing they would convert policy into reality in the form of a new marriage bill, at least the majority of delegates at the conference voted to change the Labour Party platform to allow for gay people to marry each other.

We may not have the final victory yet, but we are getting there, and I am excited by this important step, and my part in it. Onwards to victory!

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