Friday, December 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 336 - I met Tara Moss

One of the perks of my wonderful job is meeting authors from time to time who are interviewed by my boss, Valerie, on everything from why they write to how they write and any tips they may have for aspiring writers. It is usually fascinating stuff, and today's guest proved no exception.

Tara Moss was articulate, down to earth, warm and friendly, and apart from being astonishingly beautiful and stylish (yes as a gay man I was wowed by her style), she has an impressive grasp on what fascinates her about the world, and what motivates her to write about it. She would be fascinating to get into a long conversation with some time, although the odds of that could possibly be a tad remote. 

Still today's meeting was a delight, and she was very charming. Must now read her Pandora English series! 

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