Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 330 - Glebe, Cinema and the Gathering of Friends

What a fun day!

With Kerry in town, any and all plans were up for grabs since naturally while my gorgeous guy knew she was coming, I didn't. But we ended up doing almost what I had planned since Kerry was up for anything, and besides, she said, "its your weekend and you get to choose what we do."

So even though it was raining, which meant one part of my great birthday weekend plan, which was go to the not-open-at-all-due-to-inclement-weather Glebe Markets didn't come to fruition, we did get to eat brunch at Roxanne, a great cafe that Kerry and I had visited previously.

And we got to see the all important birthday movie! This year the honour went to a taut, well told political drama, Ides of March, which I loved. It was slow moving sure but in the best possible way, and it starred the delectably handsome and sexy Ryan Gosling so I got intellectual stimulation and some of the, um, other kind.... aaanywaaay, the movie was excellent! Thankfully Kerry and my lovely guy enjoyed it too.

My lovely wonderful friend Kerry

Ian's fantastic home made card and the present all beautifully wrapped

I love old British shows and Sykes is such a favourite

Kerry and Steve M are Eurovission kindred spirits

My gorgeous guy and Ian

Warren's awesome present - I adore Tin Tin and read the books lots as a child - and the sexy card. YUM!

Waz and I

Steve M chilling in the booth

Waz sips a cocktail after a hot walk up to Kuletos with Peter in the background
Back home for a nap, and then we got all dolled up, and headed out to Kuletos in Newtown for drinks and the giving of gifts from Warren, Peter, Ian and others... and the 2 for 1 cocktails were fab too! Gifts in hand, I trooped with everyone who'd turned up for drinks down to Erskineville via a liquor store or two for dinner at Delhi o Delhi where our table was festooned with colourful red and orange balloons secretly arranged by my darling man. The restaurant serves sensationally good Indian food - although weirdly served us butter chicken even though my gorgeous guy had asked for a substitute - and the service is wonderful. That always makes a great night like a birthday dinner feel like a million dollar experience.

I ended up at a table with Tracy, Ellen, Ian, John P and Kerry and had a ball catching up with them, darting over to the other table with Justin and Cam, my gorgeous guy, Peter and Warren and Aidan from time to time. I had a ball and the birthday cake, a lavender cake, was YUMMO. It was served with kulfi and it looked sensational too with my guy dressing it up with red EVERYTHING. It looked awesome and I don't think I have loved a cake more (save for the fabulous cup cake tower of two years ago, which let's face it will take some beating!)

L (from front) - Ian, Tracy, Kerry / R (from front) - Ellen, John P, Steve M

Clockwise - Justin, Cam, my gorgeous guy, Peter, Warren

Tracy's gorgeous incense burner

Essie's very cute present picked out Sophie and Ben.

Remains of the pappadums 

Steve and Cam deep in conversation

Essie, Warren and Justin having a laugh

The gloriously colourful cake! LOVED IT! My guy is so good to me...




A riot of glittery red

So fantastically pretty

With Justin and Cam

With Waz and Peter

With Essie and Steve M

John P and me

With Ellen, Tracy and Kerry
Dinner, and tweeting about it over, Aidan and I walked the balloons and gifts to the car which was parked over near MacDonaldtown station before walking back to meet Ian, Warren, Kerry and my guy at the Imperial Hotel where we talked (over the music), drank a whole lot more, and where a drunk African-American man came onto me. That was hi-larious! But we eventually got tired and it's not really Kerry's scene anyway so we ended home and I went to sleep in the arms of the man I love.

I doubt the day could have been anymore perfect.

... and the greetings kept on pouring in overnight from overseas where it was still most definitely my birthday.

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