Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 326 (Tuesday 22 November) - Ah ATO you crack me up

Yes the Australian Tax Office (ATO) made me laugh!

I was loading this year's eTax software - a little late yes so I am hoping the gorgeous lovely folk at the ATO will look kindly on me and think only good, virtuous and non-late fee thoughts - onto my housemate's PC tonight (still no Mac version can you believe it) when I noticed a hopeful note that the software MAY work on Macs.

So suffused with hope overflowing like a runaway chocolate fountain, I clicked expecting to see a simple run down on how to check for compatibility. What I saw was a tight paragraph of such impenetrable technical jargon that expected you to know the specs of your Mac so intimately you might be mere seconds away from enacting some weird man & machine consummation, and all I could do was laugh.

Yes it probably made perfect sense to techno geeks but I am not one now I will be...

Naturally I had to keep downloading the software to a PC and do it there.

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